Friday 14 August 2009

Existentialism & Humanism

From the initial outset my intention was to review each article from an unbiased standpoint, however this is a little tricky when it comes to literature.

I have always found grasping the notion of existentialism difficult, more so for the pessimistic outlook I have previously associated it with.
So, a little light holiday reading in the form of Jean-Paul Sartres’ ‘Existentialism and Humanism’.

I respect and adore Sartres maintained confidence in his own adopted philosophy and found reading the script bizarrely enjoyable and challenging in regards to testing my own life ethics. The starting point revolves around the discussion of the basic concept; that existence precedes essence – or in Sartres’ words “Not only is man what he conceives himself to be, he is also only what he wills himself to be.” The logical conclusion amounts to man, individually and collectively being responsible for his own choices and actions. Throughout the rest of the book Sartre covers topics such as Atheism, Communism and serves to defend existentialism with a quite solid and intelligible defence.

The outcome of this read was one of contemplation. A clearer understanding of Existentialism, firmer confidence in my own beliefs and a want to expand and progress this insight by seeking out other books focussing on a similar channel of thought.

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